Keeping kids teeth healthy

     Most parents have difficulties judging how much dental care their child needs. Common questions parents have are:  When should I schedule my child’s first dental appointment? Should my 3 year old floss? How could I maintain and keep my kids teeth healthy?...

Creative Ways to Get Your Child to Brush

     Having a hard time getting your child to brush their teeth? You are not alone. The kicking, screaming, clenching of mouth, twist and turns can be put to ease by a couple simple fun ways. Singing is always fun for kids. It’s important to make the kids feel...

Essential Protective Gear – Mouth Guards

     The number one injury among young adults are due to sports injuries. Baseball and Basketball are the two biggest mouth-injuring sport. “According to a report by the U.S. Surgeon General, craniofacial injuries sustained during sporting activities are a major...

How Medications Can Affect Your Oral Health

Many people don’t realize that not only over- the-counter or prescribed medications can affect your oral health, but also vitamins, minerals and herbal medications can have a negative effect on your oral health. Most common side effects from medications that...