Diabetes Equal Oral Health Problems

Diabetes Equal Oral Health Problems

     People who have diabetes know that the disease can harm some major organs in the body, as well as other important systems in the body. Did you know diabetes can also cause oral health complications? A person with diabetes is at high risk for periodontal disease,...

Keeping kids teeth healthy

     Most parents have difficulties judging how much dental care their child needs. Common questions parents have are:  When should I schedule my child’s first dental appointment? Should my 3 year old floss? How could I maintain and keep my kids teeth healthy?...

Creative Ways to Get Your Child to Brush

     Having a hard time getting your child to brush their teeth? You are not alone. The kicking, screaming, clenching of mouth, twist and turns can be put to ease by a couple simple fun ways. Singing is always fun for kids. It’s important to make the kids feel...

Essential Protective Gear – Mouth Guards

     The number one injury among young adults are due to sports injuries. Baseball and Basketball are the two biggest mouth-injuring sport. “According to a report by the U.S. Surgeon General, craniofacial injuries sustained during sporting activities are a major...

How Medications Can Affect Your Oral Health

Many people don’t realize that not only over- the-counter or prescribed medications can affect your oral health, but also vitamins, minerals and herbal medications can have a negative effect on your oral health. Most common side effects from medications that...